Creative, Therapeutic and Active
These are our current projects. Our projects are created and designed to meet identified needs from our local community. Take a look at what we are offering and see if there is something you or someone you know would like to be part of. We would love to hear from you...

A nature based volunteering project at a small community garden space in Matlock, offering supported and buddy volunteering opportunities, aiming to reduce loneliness, isolation, whilst improving wellbeing across the life span.
This Project started during the COVID pandemic when outside contact with others in small groups was sanctioned. It provides the perfect safe space for the informal meeting of others whilst carrying out low level gardening activities. This quiet (almost secret) nature haven at the Wild Thyme Garden is situated at the junction of Cavendish Rd & Wellington St, Matlock. The garden itself was created through local community inspiration and motivation, some 20 years ago. Volunteers from this project aim to support the care of this space in order that the connection with nature that it holds is enjoyed by the local community.
Sessions are facilitated by a skilled Activity Coordinator and Project Managed by and Occupational Therapist.

Seasonal Wellbeing Activity Packs were carefully created to mark the moving of time through the COVID pandemic, originally funded via the Social Connectedness Fund as part of the larger Connecting Communities Project.
Each pack is designed around the current season, with ideas and activities to engage, inspire, stimulate the senses, promote wellness and connectivity with others and nature. Packs are received as a gift, with the intention that the contents may stimulate other activities and motivate recipients to connect with past hobbies or develop new ones.
Currently we have a small supply of these packs FREE for people who live in the Derbyshire Dales who may benefit from receiving one. If you would like to receive a pack and live outside of the Derbyshire Dales, please make contact and we may be able to arrange delivery of a pack on receipt of a minimum donation of £6 (+P&P) to The Connection Space CIC.
Here we aim to gather, share and celebrate those well rehearsed, ‘ fail safe' recipes that have brought about joy, happiness and comfort during the pandemic.
Cooking, baking and preparing food for ourselves and others can be a positive activity linking to our overall health and wellbeing. Many of us during the pandemic spent a bit more time at home in our kitchens, with opportunities to experiment, develop our skills and learn from others too. Preparing food is an expression of our love and care for others. If you would like to be part of the ‘Recipes to Share’ book we hope to create, please make contact and we will send you a postcard to return back to us with your recipe. Next, look out for the book we will be sharing for a small donation to The Connection Space CIC.

A supported volunteering project for people living with memory loss, based at Matlock Farm Park
Our Nature Based Volunteering Project offers meaningful and purposeful, nature based volunteering opportunities at a visiting farm environment with 'buddy volunteers' to support people living with dementia or memory loss. It is facilitated by an Occupational Therapist and Activity Coordintors. A Counsellor is available for carer support and anyone involved in the project.
This project collaborates with Matlock Farm Park, is mainly funded by The National Lottery, Alzheimers Society and other smaller local funds.